When it comes to property investment in Essex, few companies can promise the hands-on service and returns that we offer. We work tirelessly to ensure that our clients are offered the best opportunities for their budget that also have the potential to maximise their investments during their time with us.
Over the last 30 years, we’ve simplified our process to make property investment in Essex as easy as possible for our clients, whether your budget is £5000 or £4million. Once you engage our services, one of our investment agents will reach out to discuss your budget and what you hope you achieve with your investment. Working this way allows us to guarantee that you’ll receive a 5% – 10% return on your investment within an average of 12 months.
Property investment in Essex benefits from several factors. Thanks to its proximity to London, healthy rental market, and generally high standard of living, Essex property investment has become a solid and reliable way to attain a good return on investments. Thanks to our position in the county, we can offer a client-focused service that’s impossible to find anywhere else.
With our team focused on property investment in Essex, we’ve come to know the area personally and professionally. With this expert knowledge of the county, we’re able to help our clients build their portfolio in a way that guarantees them a return on their investments. After a consultation with the client in which we talk through their requirements, we search in their desired location to find suitable properties.
We take pride in the fact that we go above and beyond to ensure that our clients are happy with their property investments in Essex. We offer our clients the option to be as involved in the management of their properties as they wish. If they would like to take a more hands-off approach to their Essex property investments, we can take the lead on every part of the process. From securing the initial deal to managing the day-to-day maintenance of the property, we can handle it all.
To ensure that our process meets the needs of each client, we’ve developed a number of different portfolio building strategies. We find our clients all want something different from property investment in Essex and our portfolio building strategies are designed to meet the needs of everyone.
If you would like to know more about our strategies, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by calling, emailing us, or using our contact form. Our team will be more than happy to discuss your Essex property investment needs.
All property owners understand the anxiety that can come from an empty property. In the world of property investment in Essex, every moment that a property is unoccupied is another moment that costs the owner money. We are proud to say that we can offer our clients guaranteed rent as part of our service. This takes the main concern of buy to let properties in Essex away from our clients and lets them get the most out of their investments.
The idea that a rented property may become a drain on the owner’s income is one of the main reasons we see clients become dissuaded from property investment in Essex. Our clients never need worry as we can secure a guaranteed rent for their property for three to five years.
We work with local businesses to help house their professional employees. This allows us to guarantee our clients rental income every month with no void periods in their properties for up to five years. Our service allows you to sit back and relax without having to worry about looking for new tenants or estate agent fees. If you’re interested in this service, please don’t hesitate to contact us via phone, email, or our contact form.
Perhaps one of the most stressful elements of property investment in Essex is selling your properties. Deals can drag on and take your attention away from areas that you could otherwise be focusing on. We have much experience in the business of buying and selling properties and so can assist through the entire process. We have cultivated a vast network of investors that are interested in Essex property investments. This means we can generally offer our clients a quick sale, without the need for an estate agent and all the fees that come through using them.
We’re a solution-minded Essex property investment company and so we able to help our clients with any problems they may face. For example, we encourage anybody to talk to us if they are in danger of losing their properties as we have several different ways to solve this issue.
First and foremost, all of our services are designed to help our clients. When our clients come to us for help with selling their properties, we can help them secure the best possible deal.
When a client engages our services, we ask them what they hope to achieve with property investment in Essex. If they would prefer to have a more hands-on approach to their properties, we recommend they use us as a deal sourcing service. While similar to our portfolio building service, deal sourcing has some crucial differences that can make it more suitable for a certain type of investor.
Deal sourcing is simple. We meet with the client and discuss what they are looking for with regards to returns, whether they are looking for cash flow, capital growth, or both and what area they are interested in. Then, using our expert knowledge of Property investment in Essex, we find properties that we believe best meet the needs and wants of our client. Once our client has settled on the properties they would like to invest in, we hand over all the information and then we take a step back and allow our client to manage the process to completion.
If this sounds like a service that would benefit you and your portfolio, we’d be more than happy to walk you through our strategy. You can get in contact with us by as emailing us, calling us on 07889 679581, or by filling in the contact form.
As part of our client’s first service, we’re proud to offer a free and easy way to keep track of their property investments in Essex. Simply fill in your details and let us know whether you’re an investor, landlord, or looking to sell your property to receive a completely free property bookkeeping spreadsheet. This useful spreadsheet will allow you to keep track of your running expenses and portfolio income.